Abbey Essentials
Frangipani Fragrance 10ml
Frangipani Fragrance 10ml
Our Fragrant Oils are specially formulated to be suitable in soaps, candles and both skin & hair care products.
They are also great for use in burners, electric fragrancers, radiator fragrancers and as an inexpensive way to refresh pot pourri.
Fragrances are also excellent for those looking to create their own individual perfume blends.
The scents are extremely rich, complex, and long lasting. They are produced with the latest technical equipment including mass spectroscopy, gas chromatography, simulated critical fluid extraction, and rotary vapour extraction methods. Our oils are premium products perfect for those who will not compromise on quality.
Please be aware that these products are chemical synthetics of natural products. Therefore they have no therapeutic value - they just smell nice. Remember to dilute to at least 5% before use on the body.